The Anthropocene is the geological period that spans the time period when humans started having significant impacts on the global environment. As species we became a driver of global change. Its onset, the type of impacts and their spatial extent, however, are still unclear and under intense debate. Our aim is to contribute to the debate combining geochemical and archeological approaches to investigate the explotaition of natural resources by early human societies.
Agricultural landscapes undergo significant above- and belowground ecosystem changes following the cessation of intensive cultivation. Improvements in soil health after agricultural land abandonment ...
The overriding aim of GEOLAKE is to disentangle the effects of climate change and anthropogenic activities on the environment and to highlight the long-term adaptation of populations in the Upper ...
We propose a European Joint Doctorate in response to the need for early stage training between the analytical sciences and archaeology. Archaeological chemistry, biomolecular archaeology and ...
ImpactANT és reconegut com a Grup de rercerca emergent amb finançament.
Finalidad del proyecto: adquisición de un sistema de análisis de isótopos estables de compuestos específicos para ampliar la capacidad de análisis del Laboratorio de Análisis de Isótopos Estables de ...
The general topic of this proposal is the study of nitrogen isotopes in chlorins, here broadly defined as chlorophylls and their diagenetic products (i.e. dihydroporphyrins that are functionalized ...